Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mega Handmade Kids Giveaway

There is a fantastic giveaway on the Handmade Kids blog - click here to see how to enter. Some gorgeous gorgeous stuff is up for grabs - but be quick! Entries close midnight 29th June 2009.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cat scratches and Cloud Atlas

My son likes to claw my face while he's feeding. The result is my face looking like I've been in a fight with a cat. Not a good look.

I finally finished Cloud Atlas yesterday. It was one of those books that took me 3 weeks to read the first half - then 1 day to finish the rest. I don't remember the last time I read a book so amazing! The style was brilliant. The messages behind the narrative were moving and so relevant to the world today. The book really made me think and probably will for a long time to come.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Books and frogs

I'm reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. I am enjoying it, but tiredness is making it slow going. In the meantime I went book shopping on the weekend and stocked up! My pile of books to read is now almost certainly taller than I am.

I'm also trying to motivate myself to start crocheting some more Amigurumi toys. Everyone around me is having babies, so I need to get cracking. I also need to produce some creations for my own little babies...

Here is a picture of one of my efforts - inspired by Amigurumi girl's gorgeous frog

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday night

The cat is on my belly
I'm sitting on my couch, next to my cat. My cat is a lap cat. She loves to knead. She has just finished pulverizing my belly

I'm knitting a hat
It's stripy. It's going to be cute.

I'm going to bed
I've been threatening to go to bed for an hour now. But I just keep forgetting to get off the couch.